
Reflection Of The Pearl

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The Pearl is a story of a little family that is poor and arrives at riches in the tug of a rope. First, we have the family Kino, Juana and Coyotito they are a tightly webbed together until the pearl is found. Then we find that disillusion starts to ensue, due to the pearl and bad luck it brought to the family. This book reminded me of a quote by Senora Ray from “Even the richest person can be unsatisfied and even the poorest happy satisfied. All depends upon your ways and understanding about life and nothing else”. Which means that if you have something you want more, and if you are poor you’ll be happy with what you can attain. In this book, there is a lot of ups and downs but the mechanics of happiness is closely related to this book. At one point family was the first priority for Kino and Juana. There is a quote by Steinbeck, “In Kino’s head there was a song now, clear and soft, and if he had been able to speak of it, he would call it the song of the family” (4). Compared to how Maslow’s they were not self-actualized, but they believed they were. The song of the family made them feel happy and fulfilled. They didn’t have any safety or security but they dealt with things how they could. Kino was an uneducated and ignorant man that didn’t even trust his own wife let alone anybody else. Kino could always rely on Juana to be faithful, reliable. I feel that Juana was one of the only person that trusted him and praised him, not for his knowledge but just for

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