
Reflection On Diversity

Decent Essays

In order to be inclusive on campus, and gain the most from your time at this University, you must become comfortable to engage with others who are unlike yourself and to extend your network. Through this video I learned what kind of diversity a person may provide to their community on multiple different levels, and how we create biases against others based on these traits which we observe. I am able to apply this to my personal life because it reminds me that when I meet new people I shouldn't be overly judgmental based on my first impression. This has happened a few times recently when I have met new people at work who have reminded me of people I had negative experiences with in high school, only through appearance. It was hard for me …show more content…

I don’t feel like it should be your main goal to find what makes you similar to someone else, and this even takes away from understanding who they are as an individual apart from you more difficult. How someones relates to you is not the most important thing in the world, and if you guys do have similarities then they will be discovered eventually through conversation and friendship instead of directly sought after.

I believe that the University of Illinois does a good job at promoting a diverse environment in which each person feels that they are valued and listened to. Starting with their admissions, they accept a variety of races, ethnicities, cultures, and genders, and after the school year has begun they provide opportunities to all of their students alike like sporting events, registered student organizations, and learning communities. Even when it came to the scandal of Chief Illiniwek the Chancellor made a choice to remove his image from the university which showed respect for Native Americans, not only on our campus, but everywhere. In each residence hall we are provided with multicultural advocates to provide support to those who need it, and in my dining hall we even have the option for Kosher eating and vegetarian eating options. This shows great inclusion for the university. I believe that for the most part the university does a

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