
Reflection On Golden Triangle

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Reflection Paper on GOLDEN TRIANGLE
What Is Golden Triangle?
Golden Triangle – the coming together of business, government and civil society, where each party focuses what they do best.
The golden triangle approach allows each partner to bring its unique resources and energy to the areas where we have the greatest impact on the world and where the world has the greatest impact on us” Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
"Large societal challenges, opportunities in the world today, can in my opinion, only be solved by what I call the golden triangle at work. The golden triangle at work meaning government, business and civil society collaborating, working together to provide solutions. Lasting sustainable solutions.’’ Muhtar Kent
Golden Triangle Model on Child Labour in India.
Definition of child labour?
Child labour refers to children who are engaged in …show more content…

All of the policies that the Indian government has in place are in accordance with the Constitution of India, and all support the eradication of Child Labour. The problem of child labour still remains even though all of these policies are existent. Enforcement is the key aspect that is lacking in the government’s efforts. No enforcement data for child labour laws are available
Businesses help to eradicate child labour
Make sure that the company policy is based, at the very least, on the international conventions against child labour – and complies with national and local legislation if their standards exceed those of the international conventions
Make explicit in contracts with your suppliers that they must eradicate child labour and realise labour rights across all subcontracted operations.
Verify the authenticity of birth certificates and lobby jointly with other parties for the establishment of reliable birth registration systems in areas where these are absent.
Donate your money to charities that help children to escape the trap of child

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