
Reflection On Health Assessment

Satisfactory Essays

A health assessment is done by a provider to gather information about the patient’s health status. An effective health assessment examination is thorough evaluation, provides a holistic approach and offers interventions. The intervention should consider the patient’s spirituality, culture, socioeconomic and psychosocial preferences. A health assessment interview is both “patient centered and clinician centered” (Bickley, 2017, pg. 85). Both the patient and clinician partner together to form a successful relationship.
At my last comprehensive health assessment was done by my primary care provider. The environment was clean and welcoming however the room temperature was uncomfortable. It was very cold. Since my visits typically last approximately 15 mins I tend to overlook the room temperature. My provider always knocks before entering the room, sits down and discusses the plan first. The interview consists of series of open-ended questions and some with a focus on my diagnosis. The questions would also include any changes to my job and my exercise routine. Since I have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids my questions also includes my last menstrual cycle and pain management. She always ask what and how I managed the symptoms and if I am comfortable with my methods. There are also questions about my diet and any changes such as my adult pica ice cravings due to my periodic bouts of anemia. There was also a brief discussion about my iron tablet

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