
Reflection On Student Management

Good Essays

In this course, I learned about the some of the principals such as parent participation, Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in special education and general education law. These principals were established when the special education law passed in 1975, right after the civil rights movement. Prior this law, students with disabilities did not have the rights to be educated and go to public schools. In this course, I have learned about student management, personnel management issues and how to solve the problems.
Student Management
One of the student management issues we discussed in this course is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is becoming a big problem, especially at the high school level. Students have more access to technology than ten years ago. Students often express themselves on social media. Therefore, this brings other problems such cyberbullying to the school ground. School leaders and policymakers need to develop new policies and regulations in order to protect young learners without violating their constitutional rights. Reviewing case studies and reading materials helped me to gain the knowledge of how to analyze student management issues, know the differences between separate freedom expression and hate speech, and develop policies to create a safe learning environment for students and productive work environment for our employees.
Personnel Management
I have learned that strong instructional leaders know

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