
Reflection On The Blindspot

Decent Essays

To start of my college journey at Loras we went to a low ropes course as part of Launch into Loras weekend. It wasn’t an ordinary ropes course because it had teachable moments as part of our learning experience. It was time to get out of our comfort zones and allow ourselves to interact with others. This was either going to make us one or break us into awkward groups. Another part of our task was that we needed to take mental notes on how our mindset changed throughout the course because we would later on reference it to the book the Blindspot. In relation to the book the Blindspot the ropes course taught us that our mind does indeed think with the air of categories and the categories are basis for normal prejudgment. The ropes course went underway, we started out with something simple yet uncomfortable, a trust activity. It would require to expand our self-interest, whether we wished to engage in these first warm ups or if we overthink it and felt unbearable. At first I was like this can’t be that bad, so I went into the trust fall circle and fell as people caught me and sent me around the entire circle. Then, I started to think about my self-interest for the next activity, I decided I would not interact, it made me not want people lifting me up in the air let alone rocking me back and forth. This was relevant to the Blindspot because in the first chapter it talked about how self-interest can affect our actions towards ourselves.
Next, we did the Ohana course which I felt

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