
Reflection On The Crucible '

Satisfactory Essays

Act 1 In “The Crucible”, Abigail Williams (Reverend Paris's niece) lied about how the conjuring was all Ti tuba ( Reverend Paris's slave from Barbados). She only said that they were dancing in the woods. When really they were singing, dancing, drinking blood, making a potion, and running around naked all while around a fire. If Abigail and the girls get caught they will either be beaten or hanged. Abigail after the adults left even threatened Mercy Lewis, Betty Paris, Mary Warren, and Elizabeth Proctor that if they tell she would kill them. In my life, I lied about the Wicca i used to practice. My mother saw me putting posters up of the pentagram and she saw me texting other Wicca practitioners. When she asked me I threw my friend under the

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