
Reflection On The Study Of Theology

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My educational background is not Theology. The Theological knowledge I receive through the teaching from the church and by reading theological books. The desire to study theology is because I realized it is very important to strengthen the basis of my faith and for my spiritual growth.
Before coming to IGSL, I had read many Theology books and I found many books were conflicting with teaching from one another. Sometimes I felt no interest to read theology books anymore because there are contradictions and contrasts in thoughts and made me confused, and disorganized my known theology. That's why I am interested to learn Systematic Theology. Now, I could understand theology better, and I am not confused with my theology.
I realized that the study of theology is not easy because it means learning about doctrine, biblical theology, and systematic theology. This is closely related to understand the infinite mind of God through the finite human mind. I will have difficulty to understand the mind of God, perfectly. …show more content…

Therefore, when Christ is brought to Asia, the Gospel deals with the culture where the gospel is brought. When someone who brings Christ to a region and does not understand how the culture prevail in that area, he/she will cause problems in presenting the gospel in the area. Culture has an important role in the human relationships and it is a tool that unites an individual against other individuals in a community. When Jesus was as an incarnate human being, he also participated in the culture within the Jewish community. In Indonesia, most of the existing churches are tribal churches. This means the church cannot be separated with the culture that exists in every tribe. The church needs to give its place to the richness of the local culture in terms of language, music, art, dance, and other elements which are of course more meaningful to individuals associated with his/her respective

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