Reflection Paper Two
If you were asked to describe a sunset, what would you say? Perhaps you would gaze into the sky and be dazzled by a sea of vibrant hues: fuchsia, violet, and gold. Enormous, cottony clouds may fill your periphery in a gorgeous, multifaceted display of nature’s inherent opulence. You may utilize every positive adjective in your arsenal to espouse the glorious vision laid out before you. However, your next-door neighbor may tell a different story. When they look up, they might see a smog-infested atmosphere rife with rain-impregnated clouds that will surely be ruining the rest of their night. Whose account is accurate? Is it possible for both parties to be correct? Can they both be wrong?
In a 2011 article
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The grade is the same, but the value placed on it is distinctively different. A person’s appraisal of information can also be skewed by powerful biological needs such as hunger. For those of us who identify with the concept of being “hangry” (a state of extreme testiness resulting from hunger), it is easy to see that something as simple as needing a snack can have severe and all-encompassing impacts on how we interpret the world around us. There is absolutely no way of fully comprehending every facet of an individual’s information assessment method at any given moment in time, thus there is no feasible way to accurately predict specific outcomes in all possible scenarios.
External factors also play a considerable role in a person’s valuation of information. If you are asked your opinion about having a picnic in the park, your answer is likely to change based on several outside influences. The majority of people would accept an invitation to dine on gourmet hors d'oeuvres, sip expensive wine, and luxuriate in a lazy, sun-drenched, autumn afternoon in the park. Yet it would be a struggle to convince the same people to join you on an icy cold morning in February. The environment within which an exchange of information occurs can also influence how information is received. While you may be comfortable addressing extremely personal questions within the confines of a therapist’s office, the same invasive queries are
Justice is defined by the fairness in protection of rights and punishment of wrongs. This concept intends to offer a fair punishment that fits the offense. The term itself holds a positive connotation, in contrast to the word injustice. The United States’ judicial system built its operations off of granting justice to those put on trial. Judges within the judicial system strive to hold fair trials in order to prosecute offenders accordingly.
When people say they “want justice”, what do they want? How can we achieve justice as a community?
The Preamble to the United States Constitution poses a series of ideals intended as foci for the American people to uphold through the government; one such ideal is to “establish justice.” That is to say, elected representatives are to ensure the treatment of those under its jurisdiction is truthful, lawful, and fair. For successful fulfillment, this must be completely upheld across space and within all communities― essentially, it must be observed with equal opportunity in all areas of governed life.
1. one thing that surprised me was that you can write a letter to the judge beforehand. Discussing their concerns and recommendations. I thought that you can talk to the judge when you go to court I never knew how you could write a letter to him discussing concerns they have.
The term justice is used in some of America's most treasured and valued documents, from the Pledge of Allegiance, to the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. Everyone wants to be treated justly whether it's in the courtroom or the local bar. Most people would feel confident giving a definition for justice, but would it be a definition we could universally agree to? Given that justice is a very common term, and something we all want, it's important to have a precise definition. For hundreds of years philosophers have argued, debated, and fought over this topic. Justice can clearly be defined as the intention to conform to truth and fairness. This is true justice.
Justice means to put everything in place or having balance in everything that exists. Allah is just by giving everything balance. For example, if the attraction forces between the earth and the sun are lost, everything on this planet will be destroyed. He made everything on the planet perfectly. Another meaning of justice is to follow individual rights. The opposite of justice is oppression. Oppression is when someone takes all your rights away. Justice and equality are two different things. Equality is when people should be treated equally regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Justice is way more than just equality. It is compared to sizes of animals. They are different sizes but still treated with justice. We know that goodness is good and
The subject matter of the “Republic” is the nature of justice and its relation to human existence. Book I of the “republic” contains a critical examination of the nature and virtue of justice. Socrates engages in a dialectic with Thrasymachus, Polemarchus, and Cephalus, a method which leads to the asking and answering of questions which directs to a logical refutation and thus leading to a convincing argument of the true nature of justice. And that is the main function of Book I, to clear the ground of mistaken or inadequate accounts of justice in order to make room for the new theory. Socrates attempts to show that certain beliefs and attitudes of justice and its nature are inadequate or inconsistent, and present a way in which those
In the Introduction of Plato's Republic, a very important theme is depicted. It is the argument of whether it is beneficial for a person to lead a good and just existence. The greatly argued position that justice does not pay, is argued by three men Thrasymachus, Glaucon, and Adeimantus. By incorporating all three men into a collective effort I believe I can give a more flattering depiction of injustice.
The statement "It is better that 10 guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" summarises and highlights the mistakes and injustices in the criminal justice system. In a just society, the innocent would never be charged, nor convicted, and the guilty would always be caught and punished. Unfortunately, it seems this would be impossible to achieve due to the society in which we live. Therefore, miscarriages of justice occur in the criminal justice system more frequently than is publicised or known to the public at large. They are routine and would have to be considered as a serious problem in our society. The law is what most people respect and abide by, if society cannot trust the law that governs them, then there will
The social injustice I humbly relate to is the intolerance toward Hispanic populations in America; whether the person is documented or undocumented. Before moving to Carthage, Missouri; I had essentially no interaction with Hispanic people. Embarrassingly, I admit, I relied on stereotypes to build my opinion of the Hispanic population as a whole. On May 22nd, 2011, we lost our home, every personal belonging, and our car in the Joplin tornado. We anxiously awaited our homeowner's insurance payout; with three dogs and nowhere to stay, we fretted, meanwhile homes available for sale shrunk by the hour. Soon, an acquaintance approached us, he had a home in Carthage; that was for sale and vacant. Built in 1910, I immediately fell in love with the home; it is my perfect home, with historically abundant features.
Is there structural inequality in the criminal justice system? When we watch the news or read our newspapers, we can see that most of the criminals portrayed are of African American or Hispanic descent. Being a fan of true crime novels, they even depict more Black male criminals than White males. Are African American males committing more crimes than White males? What factors are involved for Blacks to be more involved in crime? How do African American stereotypes play a role with possible racial profiling from the policing force? Are Blacks treated fairly in the criminal justice system? After much research, I hope to answer these questions and determine if African Americans
The Republic by Plato examines many aspects of the human condition. In this piece of writing Plato reveals the sentiments of Socrates as they define how humans function and interact with one another. He even more closely Socrates looks at morality and the values individuals hold most important. One value looked at by Socrates and his colleagues is the principle of justice. Multiple definitions of justice are given and Socrates analyzes the merit of each. As the group defines justice they show how self-interest shapes the progression of their arguments and contributes to the definition of justice.
play in his opening speech. He sets the story that he is going to tell
Communitarian critics of Rawls have argued that his A Theory of Justice provides an inadequate account of individuals in the original position. Michael Sandel, in Liberalism and the Limits of Justice argues that Rawls' conception of the person divorces any constitutive attachments that persons might have to their ends. Hence, Sandel asserts that Rawls privileges the standpoint of self-interested individuals at the expense of communal interests. I do not find Sandel's specific criticisms to be an accurate critique of what Rawls is doing in A Theory of Justice. However, this does not mean the more general thrust of the communitarian analysis of Rawls' conception of the person must be abandoned. By picking up the pieces
Magnificent, heavenly light filters through the wispy clouds, signifying a new day. The thin clouds slowly drift apart, presenting a beautiful sky beneath. Speaking out to me, the sky seems to know every one of my thoughts, my dreams, my darkest fears. The sky is but a canvas of light, creating a new picture within seconds. Weaving a story through the delicate clouds, the picture grows beyond the expanse of sky. The colors splay before me, painfully beautiful and simple. Pink hues morph into vibrant purples as they blend with the beautiful blues. The glittering stretch of sea shines before my eyes. With every new wave, the light from above whispers promises of riches and sparkling diamonds. The light breeze that kisses the sea sends the twinkling light back into the air above.