
Reflection Paper About Myself

Decent Essays

3 years ago, I was in grade 10. Back then, my life and personality were gravitating around 3 main things: books, academics, and competitions. I never really took the time to think about “ME”, what only mattered at that time was academic accomplishment and recognition. But today, I am constantly thriving to be a better version of myself through reflections, readings, meditation, and yoga. Now that I am a 19-year-old girl, I see myself as a silent thinker and dreamer. I perceive the world as a black and white movie where positive thoughts, diverse ideas, and authentic selves give it colors and sound. Although I am often times quiet and reserved, I remember having a conversation one day with my teacher and he said: “You have the soul of a grandmother” Well, I believe that to be true due to some of the challenging experiences life has put me through and that has made me a stronger and mature person. And that is why I have also learnt the importance of always being kind and to spread love around you. If I am not going to school, most of my days consist of reading, watching documentaries, working on business ideas, learning German and playing general knowledge games. I also like to put myself in environments where I get to interact with people from different backgrounds. That always enabled me to learn a lot about myself and others. Five years from now, if I get to be asked the same question again, I am convinced that half of my answer will change too. Not only will I say that I

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