
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

I have learned several things throughout this class, things that will help me in the future and as I make my way through the University of South Alabama as well as help me grow as a person. One of the first things I learned was how to keep a calendar. The first assignment I did was to create a schedule. So, I made one and have stuck to it pretty closely. I do have a late assignment every now and then, but I am working on it and making sure to write everything down in my calendar. I do that for everything, my work schedules , fun events I would like to go to, exercising , sleeping and most importantly study time.
The beginning of my first semester of college has certainly been an experience. This beginning of my freshman year of college has been a whole bunch learning how to be on my own, manage my time, eat my fruits and vegetables without my mom telling me. Not getting jobs that I applied for. Not fitting into the group of people that I wanted to be friends with. Not having any of the guys that I was interested in be interested back. Not achieving the grades, I wanted. I was able to gain a lot of new experiences from this semester of my collage life, and I’m hoping to keep using my experiences to improve and grow as a student and person and most important as a Christian
I have become very self-motivated during this time, I set goals and I do everything I can to reach these goals. For this first semester I did not set any grade goals, I just wanted to see how I can do

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