
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

English 102 at Delaware Technical Community College is a required course for students and one I had to take this past semester. In this course, we have three large assignments consisting of an informative research paper, argumentative research paper and a reflective essay. All three of the assignments were required to follow an APA (American Psychological Association) format. Learning to adapt to the APA format helped me learn to do things outside of my comfort zone and enlightened me that I was not perfect in my writing skills as I had previously thought. Having to adapt to this format should help me in the future to adapt to other assignments and for writing reports in my future job. While I do think I learned some valuable skills in this class, I do think there are somethings that could be changed that would have befitted me further or for future students. It is a part of life that people will sometimes have to do things they think will be completely pointless, I thought English 102 at Delaware Technical Community College would be one of those things. Now that this class is coming to a closure, I realize that I was wrong. This class consisted of an informative paper on a topic of our choice, an argumentative paper with a topic of our choice as well, finished with a reflective essay of the course. The informative paper had the objective of informing the reader about a certain topic without any opinion. The argumentative paper was to present a discussion with

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