
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

As a 6th grader, everyone was excited about one thing, Junior High. Where the school was bigger and we were moving away from the younger kids. All the while, all I could ever think about was trying to fit in. I never had many friends in the first place and my appearance certainly didn't help my cause. As a 12 year old, I was overweight and referred to a doctor for weight loss, but more commonly my wii fit reminded me daily that it was time to exercise. Something extremely significant was the thick black rimmed glasses that I needed to wear to correct my astigmatism, or maybe it was my front teeth crossing one another that got the most attention. Needless to say I was never one of the popular girls and most everyone wrote me off. One place that I felt at home was the classroom. I was always considered a bright girl and could pick up on things quickly, so learning for me, in that sense, was pretty fun and I thrived in that area. Always having my nose in a book was not uncommon. I would read in class, at home, and in the car. It was to the extent of where my parent teacher conferences were spent discussing that I read too much and needed to pay more attention in class. That being said, I didn’t have much to do besides read. With no friends and no activities, reading was something I did to pass the time. Not to say that I wasn’t always content with reading, just that I wanted someone to hang out and laugh with during and after school. Things began to change towards the

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