Project The Road Home in Salt Lake City is a non-profit organization that has been established since 1923 by the Travelers Aid Society. The main mission for the Road Home is to aid with children’s programs, and to help the homeless community in Utah which includes providing the homeless community with temporary housing. I chose to be a volunteer for the children’s’ book club out of all the opportunities offered to me. The mission of the book club at the Road Home Midvale Center was to tutor children from K1-K6 grade level from any type of working class and help them develop reading skills that could be helpful for them in the future for educational purposes on what a good book is supposed to look like, and somewhat know how the structure of a future essay or assignment is supposed to look like and for fun because the children I worked with had a lot of fun reading with me. There is eight sometimes nine or ten volunteers that show up to the book club for the road home and work with any children that comes through those classroom doors, all the children could use our help when it comes to reading. For my civic engagement project I worked with multiple children each week, most of the time I would do a one on one tutoring session and others I worked with two or three kids. Several of the kids I worked with were decent at reading, others needed a little help reading. I work with variety of children from different classes some are from low class families and others are from
On July 18, 2017, I attended the City of Gulfport’s City Council Meeting. The council is made up of elected members of the community whose focus is the city’s goals, major projects and infrastructure improvements. The council makes decisions that range from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning. Competencies demonstrated during the meeting were Competencies 3 and 5. Competency number 3 focuses on Advanced Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice. The meeting demonstrated knowledge of the ideas and concepts related to the notions of social justice, advocacy, leadership, social change, social support, social networks, and social capital consistent with a MSLC perspective. This competency was demonstrated by addressing community concerns by incorporating ideas of citizens and community leaders. Community leaders such as council members and the mayor provided support and clarification of city policies. The citizens advocated for changes in their community by bringing their issues to the city council for resolutions. Competency 5 focuses on Engaging in Policy Practice. This was demonstrated by advanced skills in social work practice including the ability to link theory, policy-practice, and research/ evaluation, and to employ leadership skills to demonstrate and promote such a linkage. This competency was demonstrated by city council members and the citizens of Gulfport, MS. They worked together to ensure
Everyone has a different opinion about every law, whether they believe it’s a triumph or a tragedy. We make laws because we believe that it will do one thing, help people. Even though every law has its ups and downs, to me Title IX is still a triumph. Every person deserves the equal protection in an educational environment.
I teach face-to-face classes, but I have students complete assignments and discussion board postings on Blackboard periodically.
Thinking about what to do for my senior project was difficult. At first I was thinking of skateboarding and at first I thought maybe that could work then, I remembered a good friend of mine did a senior project and introduced me to Arlington Street. People's Assistance Network (A-SPAN). A-SPAN is a organization that’s mission is to provide life-sustaining services for Arlington’s most vulnerable individuals through outreaching and building relationships built on trust and respect.
Because I am a busy single mother raising three boys, going to school, and maintaining a job, finding any extra time to volunteer is no easy task. However, this summer I managed to squeeze it in. The organization that I volunteered for from May through July is the Ashwaubenon Department of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry. More specifically, I volunteered as a coach for AYSA (Ashwaubenon Youth Soccer Association), for the 4 & 5 age level.
Yes, I have read it. I thought our survey responses were going to be totally anonymous. If I would have known that some of our comments were going to be put in a letter and then posted on the board, where everybody can read about my disability, I would not have included that information. The only reason I put that in there is for future students who are younger than me who have disabilities. my study classmates figured out it was me and asked me to confirm it. I would prefer to come and talk to you in person about the issue before the final and not continue to discuss this on an open discussion
What is a community member? To me a community member is a person who belongs to a specific group and can impact them in a positive or negative way. As a soccer player, I have responsibilities and standards I must uphold for my community. For my responsibilities, I must make sure I’m upholding a positive vibe on what a student-athlete looks like. Also, I have to do my best in practice and in during games for soccer. Developing as a soccer player I know that I’m a student first and that my on and off the pitch responsibilities can impact my community.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate my knowledge of volunteer organizations. Twenty years ago I began my volunteer career working for a relatively young faith-based non-profit organization. My initial community beautification responsibilities progressively developed into other areas of service including teaching, fiscal administration, and event logistics coordination. Through my evolutionary involvement as a multidimensional volunteer, I was able to learn about the inner dynamics of volunteer organizations: fiscal pressure, bureaucratic barriers, struggles to build and maintain community engagement, and the pros and cons of an exclusive volunteer labor force. For documentation I am including my letter of resignation (2014) as the financial
That is very interesting information regarding AMA’s stance on prior authorizations. My health plan recently implemented that a prior authorization is required, we were one of last health plans to put this in place. Yes, one reason is to reduce over utilization of services, it is also performed for the safety of our members (the patient), and also to help reduce the risk of the member or patient being stuck with a large bill due to the fact that the service may be investigative or not medically necessary. I am sure this process is burdensome to physician’s office and I am sure they have had to work out a new process to reduce any bottlenecks and ineffeciencies. I found reading the AMA prior authorization toolkit interesting, they
It was very interesting to work together in my group. I learnt more deeply about the African American issue. All members in my group was very supportive. We collaborate with each other in a timely manner. The biggest fear I had working in a group environment was the conflict. There was no conflict because we all shared our thoughts and problems with each other. That makes this group experience great.
For this group project my group members and I focused on food insecurity in Jefferson County, Mississippi. My group members were Kinley Springs, Victoria Chain, and Ashlee Blackwell. My group and I met about five times outside of class to work on the outline and proposal . During the first meeting we were focusing on the outline and we decided who did what parts and we also came up with a name for our company. Kinley focused on the program objectives and also finalizing the paper by editing and putting it all together. Victoria focused on the budget and the evaluation. Ashlee focused on the program summary and methods and organizational chart. I focused on the introduction and the problems and needs statement. For the rest of the meetings
When working with Aaron, I can understand how sometimes Mike felt more like a social worker than a teacher. Sometimes when I tutored Aaron, I found our conversations lean more towards a personal topic. He works really hard and is engaged in his studies, however he sometimes asks me questions that are personal. I don’t mind when he does so, but sometimes I feel more like a mentor or social worker than a tutor. I enjoy helping him outside of school because he is only a freshman and it is nice to have a different point of view sometimes. Rose showed me how it is okay to sometimes set aside school and talk about personal topics and to help them for the future. Also, while tutoring at Christel House Academy, I was able to relate how students sometimes are categorized rather than fostered to learn more. Struggling students, like Aaron, aren’t getting the available assistance they need to perform well in school. Because of the categorization, Aaron’s grade are low, he is placed with others that are struggling, and is defined as academically challenged by the institution. However, by tutoring and working with him to find different ways to teach him will benefit how he learns in school. Overall, I had an amazing tutoring experience with Aaron and I learned a lot about English literacy education, as well as being more than just a tutor for an adolescent. Service Learning in English increased my knowledge about language arts tutoring through readings, discussion, and experience working with Aaron on academics, as well as his work ethic, and personal goals as a young
The choice between life and death seems like it should be a simple answer right? Well, not in this society we were placed in, it has come down to eight people left on earth and one plane but the catch is only four people can go on the plan. How do you decide who has more value or who would be better suited for this new world. Well we as a group had to plea our cases on why we should be going onto this plane. We as a group applied the three concepts of fight, flight and tend-and-befriend to determine who would be moving onto a new life on a remote island.
For the service learning project, I teamed up with three of my classmates to volunteer at a lady’s conference at Imani Restoration Centre church (IRCC) on the 16th of September, 2017. IRCC is a non-profit organization which is a Kenyan community founded that focuses on bringing African immigrants together to support and learn the things of God. Samuel Mwangi, the senior pastor of IRCC, said that through the counseling sessions that he holds at the church every Thursday, he discovered that most ladies go through the same challenges. Therefore, he thought it would be great for him to organize a lady’s conference, so that ladies could come together to share and support each other (Personal communication, September, 16, 2017)
Now that the different facets of the multiverse theory have been explained, what about society’s reaction? My hypothesis is that society will freak out and eventually progress into a nihilistic and existential society. Inevitably, there will also be individuals who react differently. I believe society’s reaction will mirror that of what happened when Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution. Because society went haywire when their view of the world was changed, no doubt society will react in a similar way because their view of the entire universe itself would change. A majority of the population sees our universe as a singular entity that exists on its own. Outside of our universe, there is nothing, since everything we know of is contained within the universe. But the multiverse theory claims that other universes exist outside of our own. Those universes contain other versions of ourselves in different contexts, different jobs, different socioeconomic levels, and with different passions.