
Reflection Paper In Nursing

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The first patient for the day walked in at 0830. Lynn, RN went to greet M. S. and she invited me over to take her vital signs. Lynn verbalized her focused assessment of the outpatient for me. The patient denied any problems. Ensuring the patient’s privacy and offering to apply ethyl chloride as a topical anesthesia for the patient’s comfort, Lynn then accessed the patient’s port. She first drew a syringe of blood to waste. Lynn then quickly placed the pre-labeled sample tubes as they filled with blood into a bio-hazard bag and personally delivered the samples to the lab for priority processing. She stated that all laboratory studies for the onocology department take highest priority by the lab. Lynn discussed the lab results with the patient. She explained that the patient is in the Nadir of her treatment and that is why the physician is holding her treatment. Her platelets were at 18 and she will be receiving platelets Tuesday. Lynn, explained that it is the facility’s protocol to give platelets when the patient is at or below 20.
The morning went on in similar fashion the nurses greeting, assessing, and accessing ports for lab samples, while I took their vitals. Then at 0930, I focused on S. G. a 64 male diagnosed by computed tomography last September with Rectal adenocarcinoma at stage IV that had metastasized to his liver. His vital signs were stable. Patient has no known allergies. His height 175.3 cm, his weight 75.8 kg, and his BSA at 1.92 m2 were

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