
Reflection Paper On Action Potentials

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Thus far into my first semester of being admitted into the Respiratory program here at Wallace community college, it has been a very hardcore, yet valuable learning experience. One that has taught me many lessons but also helped me to grow into a better college student. There have been many valuable and important lessons taught thus far into the program. But one that stood out to me the most and one that I had the least amount of trouble with but was still yet challenging, was the electrophysiology of the heart. In the beginning of the electrophysiology of the heart, it is taught that the heart is contracted by a combination of generating and propagating action potentials. I have learned that action potentials are electrical impulses that travel across the cell membranes in the heart. These action potentials are one of many things that determines if the heart functions and quite frankly if you live or not. According to Baylor Heart and Vascular Hospital, these contractions are what triggers the events of an action potential which are also identical in skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle, and neurons. To not get confused with the “triggering effect”, but a transmitted action potential is technically called a nerve impulse. An action potential isn’t always in a constant state of actively moving around, the “resting stage” or resting membrane potential as it should be referred to, is the electrical difference between both electrolytes from the inside of the cell membrane

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