
The Death Defying Dunk '

Decent Essays

The Death-Defying Dunk
Summarize: A 22-year-old male, Joe Hamilton, suffered a cardiac arrest while playing basketball. Consequently, responders proceeded with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and electrical defibrillations that lead to a pulse return, however Joe remained in a coma.
Ask: What is a normal ECG and how do you read it?
After Joe Hamilton’s cardiac arrest, an AED was placed on his chest and proceeded to analyze his cardiac rhythm (see Figure 1) and returned an inadequate rhythm. Figure 1 In the early 1920 the development of the electrocardiogram provided objective information about the hearts structure and function. The evolution of the ECG lead to new inventions that led to the 12-lead electrocardiogram (1). With this new invention a systematic way of interpreting an Electrocardiograph soon developed. The layout of the graph is as such: there are 4 columns which correspond to the leads; the first column – I, II, and III; the second column: aVR, AVL, aVF; the third V1-3; and the fourth V4-6. Each column is recorded simulation however they are not always displayed on the strip except for the last rhythm strip which occurs at the bottom of the tracing (lead II and V1).
The labels of the waves indicate a particular action on the heart. P waves represent atrial depolarization or atrial contraction. The QRS complex indicates ventricular depolarization. While QRS is normally seen not ever complex has Q (negative deflection), R (positive

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