
Reflection Paper On Ethics

Decent Essays

My original goals for this project were to create an engaging presentation, use concrete examples from modern video games, use concrete examples from postmodern philosophers, and describe in detail why moral subjectivism is important. I believe that I was successful in these goals. Firstly, I had many examples of anti-realism in both video games and other forms of media, and I was able to tie in each example to its overaching anti-realist theory. However, I think that I was able to successfully explain the idea of anti-realism, but I do not believe that I explained in a great enough amount of detail why this theory is important in the modern world. To conclude, I believe that my project was successful.
My findings changed the way I look at ethics. When I began this project, I wanted to talk about ethical realtivism, which is a branch of absolute morality, however I quickly found that it could be disputed very quickly, and that many examples that I found seemed to go father than a simple misconception about what an absolute moral is. i then discovered anti-realism, and I found that this fit in better with my project and also changed my opinion on ethics. At first I liked the ethical relativism theory, but after looking at anti-realist theories I much prefer non-cognitivism, since it gives a sufficent explanation as to why there can not be absolute morality. I also changed my opinion on moral realism, and realized that perhaps anti-realism has a stronger claim, since it

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