
This Week Nine Paper Will Discuss The Values And Ethics

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This week nine paper will discuss the values and ethics in the practicum agency and answer questions related to ethics. In addition, this paper will discuss ethical issues or dilemmas at the agency and how social workers address these issues. Furthermore, questions will be answered about how the NASW Code of Ethics influences decisions at the agency, how ethics violations are handled about staff and what ethical principles that I feel strongly about.

9.4 Values and Ethics in Your Practicum Agency
What ethical concerns or dilemmas are most frequently encountered in your practicum setting, according to your field instructor? Ethical concerns or dilemmas that are encountered include end of life decisions, putting a loved one in a …show more content…

By addressing these concerns in ways consistent with the resident’s values and preferences, the care providers including the social workers can help enhance the resident’s quality of life. That is the main goal of palliative care: quality of life” (Bern-Klug, 2017).
In addition, as a social worker in a nursing home it is important to look at the eight domains of palliative care which include “the structure and processes of care, physical aspects of care, psychosocial and psychiatric aspects of care, social aspects of care, spiritual, religious, and existential aspects of care, cultural aspects of care; care of a dying patient, and ethical and legal aspects of care” (Bern-Klug, 2017). Furthermore, a social worker needs to have competence and knowledge in several areas such as medical knowledge, understanding different types of diseases and other things that can affect a resident and a social worker could have many roles and duties which include admission, pre-admission screening, advance directives, discharge planning, care planning and MDS assessment, and doing all the other paperwork required in a nursing home facility. Additionally, when looking at palliative care and the social worker’s roles the following apply and palliative care can apply to many different settings and agencies.
• “Social workers are well prepared educationally and experientially to work with residents (including those with dementia) and their family

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