
Reflection Paper On FFA

Decent Essays

When I walked into my first FFA meeting in 7th grade, I never knew how much of an impact that organization would have on my life. The National Future Farmers of America Organization was the last thing I thought I would be interested in because I had no desire to be a farmer; but, the club meetings got me out of class which was all that mattered to me at the time. I was in FFA every year, yet I never realized the opportunities that came with being involved until the end of my sophomore year when Mr. Johnson, my agrotechnology teacher, talked me into screening for the officer team. Even though I knew only very little about agriculture, and even less about FFA, I somehow made the team and started my journey as an FFA officer and discovered my passion for agriculture.
It was only about a month after I made the officer team that we got to go to state convention. When we started out towards Orlando I had no idea how big the convention really was. I just kept thinking about our small county where FFA was such a big deal, but it never occurred to me that it was just as big in many other schools, from big cities to small towns, all over the state. When we attended the first session I was immediately overwhelmed the minute I walked in the doors and saw 4,500 FFA members proudly wearing the blue corduroy jacket that is the symbol of the organization. Everyone settled into their seats and the state officer team proceeded with the opening ceremonies. They delivered their parts which they

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