
Reflection Paper On Nursing Practice

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Gibbs Reflective Model (1988) Reflection Relating to Care on Pressure Sore In Nursing Practice The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the aspect of my Adult Nursing Practice placement, and study that was gained by me in my studies and the need of pressure sore care and management in nursing practice. To reflect on my learning action, I am going to apply Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle to highlight the need for nurses to provide holistic care. It will outline the basic aspects of clinical nursing skills that have taken place in my placement. This will also highlight how it helped me to enhance my knowledge and ethical values and learning the process in order to bring excellence and safety of care. To reflect on my learning process, I am going to apply Gibbs ' reflective model’ which is a renowned model in reflective practice. This model requires passing through six stages to complete one reflective cycle. Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle can be seen as cyclical in nature which incorporates six stages to enable me to continuously improve my learning from the event for better practice in the future(Heitkemper, 2010). Description My practice placement area was a Spinal Ward for 8 weeks. The ward, almost all service users are all age people who are prone to get pressure sores. During my practice placement, I met Jack, who is 35 years old and has been admitted to the ward where my patient journey started. His name has been changed to protect his identity and

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