
Reflection Paper On Nutrition

Decent Essays

Throughout this class, we have been evaluating our diets and keeping track of our calorie intake through a dietary log. Before this nutrition course, I only had a general idea of what nutrition was. I have taken a health class back during high school and currently I am a nursing student. So far in nursing clinical, I have come across many older patients that have many special dietary needs based on their health status and chronic conditions that may have or had. Learning the importance of nutrition is very critical in the health care field and especially since I work for older patients who many lack the essential nutrition due to their strict dietary recommendations from their physicians. Not only is the information I learned in this class crucial to my career, but also a fascinating educational experience on a personal level.

Starting with my dietary log, I always believed I was a healthy individual even though I exercised very little. I stand at 5’8’’ at 128 pounds, which is a good balance for me. During the week of the project, I ate exactly how I would have eaten as if it was just any other week for me. I went to school, I hung out with my friends, and I went to work. By the end, I was very surprised by the results that came out. Most of my average outcomes were over the required or recommended amount. I started to even question why I am not overweight right now. I have never been the type to do heavy exercises or monitor what I ate. Since I have a slim and tall body frame, I never thought twice about what I should eat or shouldn’t eat. Overall, the results of my log showed that I have been overeating everyday. Based off my dietary log, my calorie intake has shown I go over the recommended amount for my body size and weight. I would never have discovered this based off the looks of my body. I have always been told I am too skinny and that I should eat more.
Currently, I am not suffering from any health issues and not health conditions from my dietary habit. I am not overweight nor do I have diabetes. I believe the quality of the foods I eat is good. I do eat organic meats and vegetables whenever I can. I love eating vegetables and fruits daily. Especially during the school year when I am more stressed

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