
Reflection Paper On Police

Decent Essays

Policy Reflection Paper This paper will inform you of how my agency has all kinds of policies but none to prevent the things like stress, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and post-traumatic stress. I will show that we have policy to prevent employees from doing some of the items during work but no one at home. The agency I am the Chief Of Police at is very small and we are all like one big family. It takes all of us to get the job done and everyone has to be pulling their weight. Some of these topics there is no way for an employer to know if they are having trouble with any of these problems without making them go to the doctor and hoping they are honest. In this profession all police think they are invincible and that they don’t have the problem everyone else does. If we could get all officers to tell us when they were having trouble instead of trying to hide the problems I think it would slow down divorce and suicide. The first thing I would like to talk about is post-traumatic stress. We have a policy that states that I you’re having problems from an incident or a scene you can let someone know and go see a counselor. This is paid for by the police department at no charge to the officer. We see some of the most violent and gruesome scenes of any profession. The problem with this policy is that it should be changed and the officer’s should have certain days of the year to go see the counselor. This would make all of the officer already know who and where the counselor is and already have a report with them. Officers are more likely to talk to a counselor if they already know them and have seen they don’t say anything to other people and share their business. Then we have a policy on alcohol. The policy clearly states that an officer is not allowed to come to work with any alcohol in his system. Also it states the officer is not allowed to have any alcohol while on duty. This policy also has a loop hole if you need help with alcoholism to let someone know and you can go get treatment and your job will be held until treatment is complete. The problem we have with this policy is that it addresses the problem after it is a problem. I believe that this problem arises from the things we see

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