
Reflection Paper On Psychology Of Women

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Psychology of Women Critical Thinking Paper 1
Hillary Cohen
University of Maryland

SELF-REFLECTION 2 My name is Hillary Cohen and I identify as a Jewish straight American woman. I grew up in a Conservative community surrounded by people who were a little more and a little less religious than I was. While growing up, my parents always made sure to let me and my sisters know that we could do anything we wanted to do in life, so long as we worked hard and fought for our dreams. I had never thought much about gender stereotypes, but I inadvertently thought of women as more domestic since my mother stopped working early on and I had always seen …show more content…

I know many
SELF REFLECTION 3 people in the class may be very opinionated when it comes to religion, since religions are typically not very accepting of certain genders having specific roles. However, I am very connected to Judaism so it will be hard to refrain from being defensive concerning religion. I definitely do not agree with many opinions within the Orthodox community, but I think it is important that people understand the reasoning for some of their opinions. For example, many people believe that in the Orthodox community women only stay at home and are seen as inferior to men; in reality, I know many Orthodox women who work, have great jobs, and are seen as equals by their spouses. Although this subject matter may agitate me due to people’s varying opinions, I hope to take it as an opportunity to hear others’ point of views. In regard to feminism, I firmly believe I am a feminist as I believe that all genders should be viewed and treated as equals. I think that no-one should be judged or stereotyped based on their gender and I hope for a day when true feminism will be achieved, and gender will not affect how people act towards one another. The “Women Against Feminism” Tumblr is very interesting and challenging to read through. I think the biggest issue with the Tumblr is that the majority of women’s posts assume that the definition of feminism is the belief that women are superior to men. Additionally, the women posting to the

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