
Reflection Paper On Transgender

Satisfactory Essays

Undercutting our transgender community’s economic aspirations may seem society’s aim, but there exists opportunity for us to realize ambition by changing the status quo. No more evident is this than in the hospitality I’ve been shown following my recent relocation from Missouri to California.
Statistics illustrate the nation’s partiality for transgender workplace discrimination, and I can vouch for their authenticity. Let’s just say, if Joseph Smith was transgender, he’d have kept moving west past Missouri and Utah, as the nation’s interior isn’t the inclusive promised land. In 2010, while running Missouri’s transgender advocacy organization, I tried correcting this by teaming up with St. Louis City Alderman Shane Cohn to successfully extend the municipal civil rights protections to transgender persons. Fast forward a few years, when I next found myself on the job market, homogeneity was still the preferred approach to staffing.
My last role in the Midwest was as a spokesperson for St. Louis’ Mayor’s Office, rewarding in my development of private and public partnerships that bettered resident’s quality of life. Yet, when I realized it was time for a change, I quickly realized my local Wanted Ads lacked a category for organizations interested in a transgender face for their brand. At first, my credentials got me the interview, but, with curious synchronicity, recognition of my divergent gender always seemed to coincide with reason to conclude interest in my candidacy. Weary from fruitless interviews and tried weeding out the bigots upfront, so I added, “Missouri’s first transgender appointed political official,” to my resume. Sadly, this worked which meant my application received no interest.
Feeling “locked out” by every organization not directly servicing the LGBT community, I figured I’d skip the private sector and move from local to federal government. Still, my applications seemed doomed. Frustrated and unwilling to accept form rejection letters, I demanded to understand why the government of a Democratic President was so quick to dismiss an opportunity to diversity their workforce. It was then I realized another hurdle to transgender jobseekers, the preference to hire veterans. If enough qualified

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