
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

As I have gotten older, my mom has not been as physical with me like she was when I was younger, but she still shows her emotions to me. She is happy one minute and then the next she is very angry and blames everything on me. I have even tried talking to her about how she is and who she is and every time I do, she gets physical and kicks me out of the house. I have gotten to where I do not care anymore and I do not talk to her. I try to have good days with her, but I know if I say anything I will ruin our day and she will be angry. I am very grateful that my mom is not physical with me like she used to be; that has helped me grow as a person. I still feel like am trying to find who I am. I am 21 years old, and this fall will be one of the first times that I leave my family and I will not be with them every day. A year ago, I moved to North Carolina. I had a job and a place to stay and my relationship with my mom was so much better then when we are together. I wish this was not the case, but it is. I am struggling right now with her because we are at the point where we need a break from each other, but there is nowhere for me to go, so I am holding on until the fall. This relationship is the only relationship that I am struggling with. I have two best friends and they are there for me no matter what. I grew up with one and the other I met in college. No matter what time of day it is, I can call them and they are always there for me. They are the only good and stable relationship in my life. I never fight with them, we never have arguments, and when one of us is out of line, we know how to talk to one another where we do not get mad at one another. I do not have many friends, but I live the ones I do have. As of right now, I do not have a job, because my parents will not allow me to have one and it is killing me. I worked at a Christian school up until the end of May. I was able to watch the older kids until their parents came and got them. I was able to connect with them and talk to them about their life. Some of them needed advice and some just needed to vent. I talked to the kids as if we were all friends. I treated them, as they were adults and not a child. That is one of the comments they told my boss that

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