
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

As humans of society, we all crave the respect and friendships of our colleagues. Unfortunately, choosing to walk in my Christian faith made those two components difficult to grasp. Christianity is more than just a religion. It's a lifestyle that continuously allows and teaches you to love at all times. Everything began in the fifth grade at a local church camp. Throughout the week I fell in love with everything God had to offer and since then, I've placed my entire identity to him. Needless to say, it hasn't been easy. Starting off, growing up in a family of non-believers isn’t the easiest thing to do when you’re a ten year old girl feeding off of the influences your relatives provide. For church opportunites, I took rides with my friends who went to all different churches. I middle school, my parents hit a rough patch in their marriage and it became difficult to maintain my identity in Christ. My dad moved in with his parents for a few weeks and my mom was basically raising four kids on her own. Divorce was a huge topic in our household. To them, it didn’t seem like a big deal, but to me, that’s breaking your promise to God. I cried a lot, yelled at my parents more than I could count, and I begged for them to work things out even if they didn’t understand why it was so important. My parents bickering took a toll on my mental health. I took a lot of the blame, just as many kids do. I felt like everything was my fault. Now that I look back at this short period of time, I see

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