
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Bang! The gun goes off and your life flashes before your eyes. It’s the moment I realize I need to focus in on my body’s effort and concentration to finish the course that lies before me. I’m thinking about the race most of the day and preparing mentally for what challenges can occur along the course. Could I fall and sprain or break an ankle? Could I get overheated and sick? I’ve ask myself these questions while running Cross Country for six years. But, nothing can really prepare me for what’s ahead when I’m running. When that gun goes off and everyone starts running, it’s a totally different environment. My dedication and pride got me through coming in last for four years of cross country. I learned this exact lesson as journeyed my way to each finish line, making me stronger each time. One thing that makes Cross Country unique from all other sports, the individual effort you put forth from yourself daily during practices in the stifling heat or the bitter cold makes cross country extraordinarily unique. Committing yourself to run the entire time without walking, enduring the difficulty of running sometimes may make it hard to prevail. You can’t just walk most of time during practice and then expect do exceptionally well at a meet. The same would apply if you studying for a History test, but you crammed in your studying to the last minute or you might not have studied at all. No matter how you are feeling each day it’s important to put yourself in your best mindset and

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