
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Interpretation of Literature has given me an excellent opportunity to not only work on my analysis of novels, but improve my adroitness in creating an argumentative and interpretative paper and thesis. I developed a different mindset on how to go about starting and finishing a strong paper after dissecting each novel we read every class period. By taking a look at each one individually and picking out main points, I started to take notes on what we talked about for ideas on future papers. It took me a while to get ahold of everything, and I don’t think I’m anywhere near perfect yet, but with determination I have gradually learned the basics to the different parts of each interpretive paper. I’d say my weakest points that have slowly grown stronger are my abilities to write a thesis, and give good supporting evidence and statements to back it up.
At the beginning of the year, I didn’t have a clue how to create an argumentative thesis and paper. I would spend hours trying to create a thesis at all, and lacked the ability to come up with one that could be disputed from another person’s point of view. This is shown in my very first paper, where my thesis read, “In The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood shines a bright light on the idea of control and how it can cause complications if put into the wrong hands.” Looking back now, I can observe that instead of being a narrowed down, specific thesis, this is very broad. I didn’t elaborate on the complications that arose from control,

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