
Reflection Speech

Decent Essays

Initially, when I first registered to enroll for this online Speech class, I did not know what to expect. I thought that we would only meet in order to present the required speeches and then I thought that we would have a virtual classroom to give speeches were we were all online at once. Now I know that both of my guesses were wrong. For our speeches, we either record them online and invite classmates as audience members to watch, or have a live audience of family and/or friends that record you giving your speech in your living room or somewhere similar. When I found out that these were the ways I would be giving my speeches, I was so surprised. When I am speaking in front of a live audience in a classroom, I get so nervous, so I thought that this method of giving presentations might be less anxious for me.

The first speech was the Most Embarrassing Moment speech. I honestly was still so nervous to record this even though I would just be looking at my computer screen. It felt kind of weird, almost as if I was video chatting with myself. After I memorized my speech and sent in my recording, I immediately assumed that I failed because the professor would think that I was too close to the screen or I was too loud or I moved my head around a lot. Then I ended up getting an A on it. Everything I thought that I did wrong was either irrelevant or did not distract from my presentation as a whole. Since I only missed one point, I can say that what I did well was all the

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