
Reflective Essay: Ap Language And Composition

Decent Essays

In the past year taking Ap language and composition has improved my writing in fields of analysis, composition and research of an essay.
At the beginning of the year the first essay that I wrote was a rhetorical strategies analysis of the book Into the Wild. I believe that this paper is the best starting position of my writing as I have not yet been exposed to different writing strategies. As I started the essay my attention getter was a definition on what a rhetorical device is. I think that I could have improved on that as my audience would have probably known what a rhetorical device is, thus starting with a definition was not the best way to go. To start this essay should have started with something more interesting to engage the reader to continue reading not just state some fact. Going down the paper my body paragraphs were not written to their full potential. I did not go in depth to analyse how the author used these rhetorical devices to “create depth in the story”. Within paragraph three I was analysing the usage of logos and I started, “ This aspect of fact stating that ...used is a clear evidence of logos the fact based argument”. This clearly shows my novice approach to an analysis, as I only stated another definition of what a logos …show more content…

In it I argued that college education is not the key factor of success. In the introduction paragraph I could already see improvement as my attention getter was more interesting, I wrote “ With the rise of the internet and more freedom people today have countless possibilities to achieve their life goals”. Although it could be improved its clearly much better from the first essay. Furthermore, going into the body paragraphs my research was poor and it could not effectively support my claims. However, for these mistakes you can clearly see my analysis skills go up as I did go more in depth in each paragraph and tried to properly argue in favor of the

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