
Reflective Essay On Mental Health

Decent Essays

Throughout the past several weeks I have had the opportunity to witness what mental health really is. Upon starting the mental health unit I was unsure what to expect. I knew I had a passion deep down for people who have to suffer with the many different mental illnesses. The two locations my colleagues and I had to opportunity to experience was W3 and W2. W3 is an addiction recovery unit, and W2 is more of a psych unit. Spending my time at these two units really opened my eyes to how blessed I am, because someone somewhere has it worse.
For the first several week of the mental health module I spent my time on W3. I enjoyed this unit. The unit was very solid, and schedule appropriate. I believe that having a great structure for each day, allows the patients to have a better chance at recovery. I witnessed an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for the first time ever. I had always seen these in movies and on TV shows, so it was interesting to have the opportunity to be able to physically be there and hear the patients’ thoughts. Sitting through two AA meetings made me realize that not every has the courage to change, which was evident as some of the patients did not seem to care. In the Serenity Prayer once written by Reinhold Niebuhr, it is stated “God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference…” (Niebuhr, R. Serenity Prayer, This statement is has huge meaning to everyone that reads it because everyone has gone through something in their life that they could not change, as well as something that could be changed. Many of the patients of W3 realized that they have made bad decision, but there is no changing the past, only living for the future. I found that group activities allowed for many of the patients to realize their self-worth, and aided them to create their road to recovery. My time spent on W2 was a bit different than W3. For starters, the patient complexity is very different. The patient on the unit are mentally ill, and some of them know they are. W2 also had group activities however, when I was there, there was no activities that were aiding in their recovery. On W3 the activity consisted of the patients

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