
Reflective Essay On The Father Of God

Decent Essays

As tears fell from my eyes and onto the light blue carpet, I heard words I never thought I would hear. One Sunday about three years ago, our assistant pastor preached a message, and after that, he announced that our pastor was stepping down. Because it was such a close-knit church, we quickly learned that our pastor had committed adultery with one of my best friends’ mother. My family was extremely upset and the whole church was distraught when we heard the news. I had no idea what to think. This man, whom I trusted, had baptized me and answered any questions I had. My family adored our pastor because he was such a great teacher of the Bible. I could not fathom how my pastor, a man of God, could be capable of a sin like this. After church that day, my family went out to eat. At the restaurant, my father mentioned that he wanted to try out a different church. This idea my father posed to my family was so foreign to me. This church family was all I had ever known since I was four years old. I continuously asked God: after eleven years, why did my family have to be uprooted. I could not understand how something like this could happen. The Bible says in Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for the good of those who love God,” but I did not understand how anything “good” could possibly come from my situation. My brother and my father were excited to visit new churches, but my feelings were the opposite. Despite my feelings, I decided I was going to be optimistic and give

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