
Reflective Essay Writing

Good Essays

As you get older in life things that you used to love to do when you were little you don’t do anymore. Such as, play with Barbie dolls, or play house, or even play dress up. Well that is not the case in writing. Writing has traveled with me my whole life. Writing was always my favorite thing to do, not only in school but at home during my free time. In school writing was the time of day that I looked forward too, not recess, or physical education. Shocker, right? Writing can change people’s life without them even noticing. I know that because it happened to me. I didn’t realize until I was way older that writing not only has it impacted me, but also, I can impact others by what I have done in my writing. It all started in second grade. In second grade I had the best teacher in the world, Mrs. Thompkins. She was filled with kindness and love, she reminded me of my mother. Her classroom always smelled like pumpkins even when it wasn’t fall. We would always start our day off with boring subjects like math or social studies. After we went out to recess we would come back inside, and would write. At the beginning of the year Mrs. Thompkins bought everyone composition note books to write in. Our homework for the first day was to take them home and decorate them. I was so excited to go home and decorate my notebook and make it my own. When I got home from school that day, I went straight to my room and spent hours decorating it. When I finished I was so proud of how it looked

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