
Reflective Journal on Field Study I

Decent Essays

Reflective Journal on Field Study I 02-12-’13 Activity: Electric Power; Series & Parallel Circuits First day of observation – The lesson is about electric power. The teacher assimilates the topic on daily life and the students participate. Some students throw humor while discussing but the teacher still has control over her students. When it is time to discuss she makes sure that the students are listening. She also evaluates her students by giving activities after discussion. She gives incentives on students who do their lecture. Reflection: The teacher taught the lesson well. To be honest, I understand the lesson better when she discussed it rather than when I was in high school. Maybe because I don’t have the attention span I had …show more content…

02-19-‘13 Activity: Oral Defense on Investigatory Project After the prayer the teacher starts his class with a quiz. He did this since many students are late and he kept on telling them to avoid it. Students who were late were not allowed to take the quiz but are allowed to enter the room for class discussion. After the quiz he tells them the value of being punctual and the essence of what they have missed for being late. He then asks the students who are ready for the oral defense of their investigatory project to go in front. He asked them questions and like the first group he has consistency on asking the students what they have contributed in the project. Reflection: He tells them the value of being punctual since they are already growing up and punctuality is one’s way of showing discipline for her/himself. Being late can cause you to miss out on opportunities or chance of grabbing something that you really want. He also told the class that it is not nice to be late because of the consequences like the quiz. What if they took an exam and students were not allowed to take it just for being late? He tells them to come to class on time and not on their preferred time. 02-20-‘13 Activity: Oral Defense on Investigatory Project After the prayer the teacher asks his students to pick up pieces of paper, arrange their chairs and to sit properly. At first the class is noisy and so he stops speaking and only continued when the class is ready to

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