
Reflective Reflection On Reflective Practice

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Reflective Practice in Special Education Using Action Research
Sunny Suzanne West
St. Joseph’s University
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Reflective Practices in Special Education Using Action Research

Title and Link to Study: Promoting Reflective Practices in Special Education through Action Research: Recommendations from Pre-service Teachers; Paula Wenner Conroy
Research Problem and Purpose of the Study: What is reflective Practice? Reflective practice is when you reflect on what you have done to see how it has worked or improved your teaching practice. The reflection practice is very important to the instructional practice and helps the student teachers to develop responsive practice. Reflective practice is part of the teaching professions standards for teacher education programs. Teacher programs strongly respond to the use of reflective practices and many schools and teacher training programs offer in-service training to their teachers to refine their reflective teaching practice. “Providing multiple opportunities for reflection and scaffolding within a variety of reflective experiences during extensive field and student teaching practicum experiences (Harford & MacRuairc, 2008). One of the most power approaches to adding inquiry into your teaching and reflection would be adding Action Research. “The purpose of this article is to provide a description of an effort by faculty to increase

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