1. This paper is on Germany’s open-door policy on refugee immigration and the impact it has on its political and social relations. As a result, from the increase immigration, there was an economic effect on Germanys job market. Lastly, this paper states the United States’ interest in German policy and the effect it has had on legislation regarding refugee immigration.
2. Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, elected an open-door policy toward refugee immigration. Since the implementation of the policy, Germany has admitted over one million refugees in the country.1 Germany’s Prime Minister, Horst Seehofer believes the refugees in Germany have led to an increase in attacks and terrorist threats.2 Seehofer is questioning Merkel’s policy as many immigrants are entering unchecked into Germany.3 These immigrants, in
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The United States’ interests on refugees entering the nation has become a concern for many, especially with the increased attacks in Germany after the immigration.10 The Deputy Director of the German Marshall Fund, Sudha David-Wilp stated that many Americans were at first impressed with Germany’s decision on refugees, but now question the absence of management that went into the policy.11 Another problem with refugee immigration is how to integrate over a million refugees into the country without disrupting the safety and welfare of the economy.12 The United States viewed these events and has chosen the nation’s security over humanitarian efforts. It stands by strict immigration laws so as not to mirror the events in Germany caused by its allowance of refugees under the unfiltered policy.13
5. In conclusion, Germany’s open-door policy has resulted in controversy within its nation. The economic impingements of the large immigration have resulted in both positive and negative effects on the workforce. Due to the events in Germany, the United States stands firm on strict immigration laws for refugees in order to secure the nation’s best
Shawn Pogatchnik shows how important the fact that so many migrants are trying to flee to Germany and other EU countries by using statistics. Pogatchnik states that the EU countries “...has seen more than 332,000 migrants enter so far this year.” He also says that Germany “...is expecting to take in 800,000 migrants in this year.” When people read the article, they realize that what is going on must be bad enough for hundreds of thousands of people to want to flee their own country to enter another European country.
Empathy and Angst in a German City Transformed by Refugees is an article by Katrin Bennhold that describes the conflicting perception held by German nationals towards the influx of Syrian asylum seekers. The article captures the reaction and perception of the German uptake of the Syrian refugees by the German nationals. The author suffices as the untold voice of the German citizens that are directly affected by the Syrian refugee crisis. The author, Katrin Bennhold, seems to be keen on highlighting the shunned opinions of the citizens in Germany that have found themselves in a crisis that is not of their making. Her intended audience seems to be the policy makers as well as the world citizenry willing to offer refuge to the Syrian
At the moment, Syrian refugees are being subjected to the most precautionary methods when entering the country (Text 3). The Syrians are trying to escape the many violations they are faced with. In Syria, there are many bombings that are killing innocent people. Using precautionary methods based on race shows that America is well on their way to banning the refugees from entering the US. While Americans might think that using precautionary action is the best, they are supporting an unethical act. However, it is worse because they can do something to stop it, yet they refuse. Syrians are running from powerful individuals who have taken their rights, seeking asylum in America but they are almost treated the same because they are not trusted. If America were to ban immigrants from entering the US then they might be repeating history. During the 1940s, Hitler took it upon himself to purify Germany of Jews (Text 2). The action of Hitler led to a world War because of the unethical actions he took to get what he wanted. The fear of many Americans are holding them back from helping innocent children and women. If Americans can look past the fear of having their country destroyed by the refugees then they would be helping alot of people. Americans can provide a safe haven for the refugees but they are too afraid to allow
Introduction: United states has been the country of immigration from long time. A huge cultural difference shows that U.S has flexible and acceptable policy for immigrants and refugees. But some citizen claims that they are facing a lot of problems and losing their certain opportunity due to immigrants and refugees. In support of immigrants, we will examine the opposition claims, and then we will turn our attention to the benefit and importance of accepting refugees and immigrants to our country.
Especially given the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, where 130 citizens were killed and 368 were injured. In addition, the chaos Germany and other areas which have already been flooded by refugees are in, makes the issue of migration that much more of a serious issue. “We're being told to open the floodgates for waves of people who are completely intolerant of western values and liberal
The current open door policy in Germany is what incentivizes refugees to immigrate there. In my opinion, Merkel has done a great job in dealing with this immigration situation, these refugees deserve to have better lives and they can do so by moving to a stable country such as Germany, where the wages are higher and the welfare system is great. Many are against Merkel’s view on this situation and allowing refugees to settle in Germany. For one thing, they’re a huge asset to the labor force and bring a diverse demographic. Although there are many concerns about terrorism, many of these refugees are innocent people trying to evade the turmoil in their countries. I agree with Merkel’s current stance because it helps the German economy, and also
U.S. immigration laws and policies have failed to meet international human rights norms due to the treatment of migrants and refugees. The government continues to limit the right of immigrants and unfairly discriminates them. Millions of immigrants have been deported While U.S. immigration policies have seen some improvements under President Obama. The U.S. does continue to provide some meaningful protection to refugees and asylum seekers.
In this article Michael Shear explains how Washington face amount of pressure to respond to the migrant crises across Europeans by resettling more Syrians in the United State. The Germany leader appealed to other European countries to take a fair share of migrants. He also mentioned the limits USA put on migrants that come to United State. The United States Committee for refugee has urged president Obama to open American borders to 100,000 Syrians in the next year. He emphasized rescuing people who need the most. Some of the leaders of Europe disagree accepting migrants annually. Germany president said he would accept 500,000 migrants annually while Sweden leader couldn’t agree more. The Danish government advertised if they resettle migrants,
Statistics show that about 69,975 people were refugees and had entered the United States in the year of 2014. Most of them were shown from the following countries: Iraq, Burma, Somalia, and Bhutan (Mossaad 1). Over the years, the United States and other countries have tried many ways to block out the immigrants from coming into the countries but none of the laws or restrictions have stop the immigrants from coming in completely. At this time, President Obama said, “the amount of people crossing the border illegally is at its lowest since the 1970’s”. That must mean America is doing something right. The current US Immigration policies should not be reformed because the United States government is putting
Venus of Urbino is an art portrait used by Titian to clearly exercise female eroticism. Art is more than just imaginary or symbolic drawings and paintings as depicted by the work of Titian, “Venus of Urbino”. Titian completed Venus of Urbino is the year 1538. It was for Urbino Guidobaldo II Della Rovere’s Duke. Titian derived Venus of Urbino from Giorgione’s work, the “Sleeping Venus” which was painted in 1510.
In recent years the immigration subject has been more present than ever. The immigration subject has been treated as a minor problem, but now it seems to be getting more popular. Before no one would listen to immigrants because according to the laws of the United States illegal people were criminals. Currently we are still criminals according to the laws, but we have proved the opposite. Who would think about immigrants becoming more successful and stronger in this country than actual citizens. But not everything has been easy for immigrants for the most part it have been hard as hell. This research paper will inform about the different topics of immigration by using scholarly journals articles to explain the reasons in favor of the reform,
For me, China is a very complicated yet a unique country. So why did this thought came up?
It is no doubt that technology has grown in imaginable ways for the better. An interesting example of this is telemedicine. With the help of video chats, telecommunication has evolved in the health community. People can now get a real time consultation and diagnosis from the comfort of their home or from their primary physicians office. Telemedicine has grown into many beneficial applications such as serving rural and developing countries, disaster relief communities, correctional facilities, mobile health clinics and school based health centers. Society can now get consultations from specialist doctors from their primary physicians’ office without having to travel. Unfortunately, with the evolution of new technology, ethical issues
Since 2011, Syria has been engaged in a Civil War with protestors against the government and members of the extremist group ISIS, and approximately 7.6 million people have been displaced from their homes (usnews.com 2015). As the conflict destroys more homes and livelihoods each year, an increasing number of civilians have been forced to leave Syria and try to find safety elsewhere. Already a contentious issue, the Syrian refugee crisis has awakened tensions, both economic and social as debate erupts over what to do with the refugees.In response to the crisis, while some countries like Germany have pledged to help the refugees, (New Statesman 2015 1) only 2,340 have been admitted. Clearly, more needs to be done in order to help the refugees. Although there are economic and population concerns to be considered, the humanitarian conflict that faces the refugees and solutions already available are reason enough for Europe to increase the numbers of Syrian refugees allowed in.
The United States, Denmark, and Austria’s unwillingness to take refugees are evidence that the United States is fearful of people from this region, and that Denmark and Austria’s politicians feel that they do not have the resources to take in a lot of refugees. Denmark’s politicians are wanting to control the flow of refugees seeking asylum in their countries, and Steve Hendrix notes that “Austria has