
Regional Integration : Advantages And Disadvantages

Satisfactory Essays

The aim of this essay is to critically analyse regional integration, demonstrating advantages, disadvantages and the effect it has on member states involved. Furthermore this essay will explain FTAs in further detail with examples. Nontraditional gains from regional integration such as, insurance, bargaining power and security shall also be highlighted as advantages and disadvantages. Regional integration is the process by which two or more nation-states agree to work together and co-operate to reach peace, stability, wealth and overall welfare (Mattli, 1999). All countries involved in a regional integration join in the hope of achieving a goal that will be profitable for all parties involved (Feny & Genna, 2003, p.281). The correct terminology is known as Regional Integration Agreement (RIA) and not all reasons for regional integration are similar. Schiff and Winters (2003) suggest that the reasons can vary for why countries integrate. Most countries will agree to integrate regions to feel the benefits of trading freely without any tariffs, known as a Free Trade Area (FTA). Number of regional trade agreements reach a high of five hundred and eighty three, this is notified by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) from January 2014 onwards. Goods, services and accessions from FTAs are what is included in the huge figure stated by the WTO. Three hundred and seventy seven of that number are still active. Trade agreements started growing increasingly popular in the early nineties,

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