
Regionalism In Vikings Culture

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force.Here humans are considered to be the caretaker of nature. "Man regards himself as responsible to God for nature and the earth and as a steward and custodian of nature."
"Exploitative." here Rapoport describes is in a division where human is dominant over nature. Here he describes humans with god-like powers in that they are the "completer and modifier of nature, the creator, and finally destroyer of the environment."
However, depending on where a society place itself in these three different factors are important in the way of understanding that specific culture's beliefs and values. This has a huge importance on how a culture interferes with nature as it dramatically affects architectural form.
Regionalism is linked to Rapoport's second classification “Symbolic”. Association to its surroundings a culture forms an important part of its values. Regionalism involves strong connection to the natural surroundings even tho nature is not respected as the main force in a society. However, the natural world is an integrated aspect of the overall cultural system. Many cultures throughout history have shown strong connections to nature, seen in their architecture. The Viking's associated emotions like love, hate or fear to physical features of nature and its surroundings. The natural terrain and vegetation strongly influenced the Vikings in the interpretation of a site. This created a specific relationship between man and his environment. …show more content…

Not only the Vikings but many other societies have held strong connections between their natural environment and their architecture. Rapoport discusses many different housing structures which respond to natural features as a wall of geography and links the particular culture of the

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