
Transcendentalist Legacy

Decent Essays

I would like to first congratulate the legacy of your involvement in the Transcendentalist movement. You were one of the vanguards that pioneer the pursuit of uncomplexed nature. I have questions that will be addressed later, but your commentary on materialistic society was inspiring. Your experiment in the wilderness was ambitious, and your work on civil disobedience paralleled the philosophy of later prominent figure, such as Gandhi. With the flattering comments aside, I wonder about the intricacies on your ideology. A question I have for you is how you do see humans in relations to Nature? Nature is a vague term, and the way you emphasize people to embrace its simplicity implies humans were apart from Nature to begin with. This inherently …show more content…

Another point to discuss is that you talked about how modern improvements have little value and how we should concentrate more on our spirituality , “If we do not get sleepers . . . but go to tinkering upon our lives to improve them, who will build railroads?” (Thoreau 234). While I agree that taking care of one’s soul takes precedent over the convenience of others, perhaps the aforementioned convenience is also valuable. In this case, I would argue that a mundane task, such as laying the tracks, may be one way for people to demonstrate their prowess or express their individuality. You stated, “The nation [Our life is like a German Confederacy] itself, with all its so-called internal improvements, which, by the way, are all external and superficial . . . and the only cure for it, as for them, is in a rigid economy, a stern and more than Spartan simplicity of life and elevation of purpose” (Thoreau 234). Perhaps you passed too shortly before the rise of existentialism, but that movement serves as a basis for my criticisms. I may not yet know what purpose lies in the noblest of careers. However, regardless of a legitimate significance of a craft or hobby, people can find in

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