
Regulation of Oldest Profession Essay

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Pornography and Prostitution have much in common, both include compensated consenting adults engaging in sexual activity; however, pornography is legal, and prostitution is not. Webster’s dictionary defines prostitution as “the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money”. Although pornography is somehow widely accepted, it is essentially the same concept as prostitution, both involving consenting adults paid to perform sexual acts. While prostitution is controversial, states making prostitution legal, and equal to pornography, would have positive effects on the nation’s economy by making the profession safer, decreasing the crime rate, and helping the government financially. A mounting concern to …show more content…

These individuals argue that the disease testing and condom policies do not work because of the lack of honesty by the prostitute, for want of extra money, and pressure of the “john”(customer) to remain anonymous. According to research by Brents and Hausbeck, both professors of sociology at the University of Nevada: In 1985 and 1986, the Nevada Administrative Code imposed sexually transmitted disease and HIV tests on legal, working prostitutes (NAC Chapter 441A010-A325 and 441A775-A815). The result is that each person who applies for employment as a prostitute must take a blood test for HIV and syphilis and must submit a cervical specimen to be tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia. These tests must be negative before a prostitute can be licensed to beginwork. Every week thereafter while working in a brothel, prostitutes must see local physicians, who conduct PAP smears for gonorrhea and chlamydia and monthly blood tests for syphilis and HIV. If a working girl tests positive for anything other than HIV, she is unable to work until treated, cured, and her physician reinstates her health card. If she tests positive for HIV, she can no longer work as a legal brothel prostitute. (276)
Prostitution is an incredibly dangerous job for the men/women that participate, not only by the social stigma placed on them, but also the areas where these “jobs” are

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