
Rehabilitation Vs Rehabilitation

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You have a seven times more chance of going to prison in the United States than in all other countries, and an almost 80 percent chance of staying there. About three-quarters of inmates released from state prisons are rearrested within five years of their release, and 55 percent of them incarcerated. (R) With one of the highest National recidivism rates, the United States has produced a country where the phrase, “Once a criminal, always a criminal” has quickly become a reality for most convicts. The implementation issues of Rehabilitation programs and the defective tools used to determine the risks of recidivism has caused an outbreak in reoffenders. With the rate of recidivism at 76.6% the U.S. is one of the top highest of all countries.(R) …show more content…

Studies have shown a direct link between these two exact phenomenon’s. Incarceration and longer prison sentences pose a higher risk to offenders chances. With a system that is solely focused on stopping crime through punishment rather than rehabilitation, it’s no wonder recidivism is where it is. Failure in implementing rehabilitation increases the risk of criminals reoffending. Effective intervention emphasizes positive reinforcement rather than the threat of punishment to strengthen positive social behavior. In 2008 a report titled, “What Works”, written up for the Colorado Justice Department and collected from nationwide studies discusses the Rehabilitation programs that are proven to lower the risks of recidivism. Education and vocational programming increase the rate of employment for ex-offenders, reducing the risk of criminal behavior. (WW) With 77 percent of drug offenders’ recidivating, (R) Substance abuse treatment provides programs that focus on drug addiction by providing drug-free environments, therapeutic communities, and for long-term success; aftercare. Drug courts are also used to determine the amount of time spent in the program; the longer the treatment, the better results. Studies regularly show that cognitive-behavioral therapy is also effective at reducing …show more content…

Krauss. He found that the Criminal History category, a measurement based on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (a formalistic procedure) has been more accurate in predicting recidivism than departure decisions imposed by federal judges. The Criminal History category performed poorly in predicting recidivism for this offender population, and that judicial departures not only failed to improve but actually worsened recidivism predictions.(KR) Though all evidence suggests that these tools are not very accurate some method for assessing risk is required and risk assessment tools, even if limited is the best option

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