

Decent Essays

Ladies and Gentlemen of the German Reichstag! By agreement with the Reich Government, today the National Socialist German Workers’
Some of the planned measures require the approval of the majority necessary for constitutional amendments. The performance of these tasks and their completion is necessary. It would be inconsistent with the aim of the national uprising and it would fail to suffice for the intended goal were the Government to negotiate with and request the approval of the Reichstag for its measures in each given case. In this context, the Government is not motivated by a desire to give up the Reichstag as such. On the contrary: it reserves the right, for the future as well, to inform the Reichstag of its measures or to obtain its consent. The authority and the …show more content…

Wels (SPD), Deputy: Ladies and Gentlemen! We Social Democrats approve of the Reich Chancellor’s foreign policy demand of German equality of rights even that much more emphatically because we have advocated it from the very beginning. I may take the liberty, in this context, of making the personal remark that I was the first German to oppose the untruth of Germany’s blame for the outbreak of the World War before an international forum, to be precise, at the Bern Conference on February 3, 1919. No basic principle of our party has ever been able or will ever be able to hinder us from representing the just claims of the German nation to the other peoples of the world. The day before yesterday, the Reich Chancellor made a remark in Potsdam to which we also subscribe. He said, “The utter folly of the theory of eternal victors and vanquished gave birth to the utter absurdity of reparations and, as a consequence, the disastrous state of the world’s economy.” This statement applies to foreign policy; it applies no less to domestic policy. Here too the theory of eternal victors and vanquished is, as the Reich Chancellor has noted, utter

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