
Relations Between Russia And Cuba Essay

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It is an exciting time in the history of the United States and Cuba. For the first time in 50 years, the U.S. will send an ambassador to Cuba to serve as the head of the Embassy of the United States in Havana. As an expert policy analyst for the Council on Foreign Relations, you have been called upon to give advice on the issue of Russian spy bases reportedly reopening in Cuba against the backdrop of normalizing U.S.-Cuba relations. According to anonymous sources at the Department of Homeland Security, Cuba and Russia reached an agreement to reopen the previously Soviet-run Lourdes signal intelligence base in Cuba, located 150 miles from the U.S. Ambassador Jeff DeLaurentis and his team has hired your department at the Council on Foreign Relations to participate in discussions about policy decisions. By analyzing the historical significance of relations between Russia and Cuba and taking into consideration the interest each side has for one another, we can better understand the implication U.S. policies in Cuba may have.
Former Ambassador to the OAS Sol M. Linowitz advocated for the restoration of relations when he declared in 1991, “What all this comes down to is that we are at a moment of truth in the Americas. It is not only that the United States and Latin America need each other in order to confront critical domestic and international challenges. It is also that we now have (for the first time in memory) a truly historic opportunity to construct a responsible

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