
Relationship Between Capitalism And Consumers

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Before understanding the relationship between capitalism and consumers, it is important to know each one individually. Capitalism basically means that a countries market is controlled by private owners instead of the government. A consumer is someone who purchases products and services provided by these private owners. It is very easy to see the relationship of giving and taking between consumers and corporations, without one the other cannot function properly. In the very distant past, there was no need for this type of relationship, if something was needed they made it or gathered it. Life was short and hard, so no one thought to make a surplus of an item and sell it to others for profit. It wasn’t really until the 1700’s during the industrial revolution where products could be mass produced that the free market came to be. The problem with capitalism’s relationship with consumers is that corporation’s control consumption, corporations breed consumers, and can target consumers around the world. Beginning with how consumption is controlled, corporations have molded and changed everything from marketing techniques to the values consumers have. In the past, advertising techniques were very few if any. They consisted of simple displays with little variety or special attraction. Slowly these advertisements became more and more intricate and soon looking at window displays became an activity to do on weekends. Robbin states that in 1880 only 30 million dollars was invested into

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