
Relationship Between Client And Therapist

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Rogers believed the role of the relationship between client and therapist was of great significance in therapeutic practice. He centred his therapeutic approach on six conditions which he deemed as being ‘necessary and sufficient’ for psychological change to occur within a client and if these conditions were met, they were enough to produce change, nothing else was needed. (Rogers 1957)

The 6 conditions are:

1. There is psychological contact between client and therapist:
Rogers acknowledged some level of interaction was required for successful therapy to take place and unless met, none of the other conditions could be fulfilled, therapy would therefore be ineffective.

2. There is client vulnerability or anxiety and the client sees themselves as in need of help:

Here, the notion of need is important, implying that the client, as a result of experience of vulnerability or anxiety, is aware they are encountering difficulties. The client is motivated to seek help, having sensed there is something wrong. This condition implies a client’s willingness to engage in the therapeutic process.

3. That the therapist is congruent and genuine:

“Genuineness in therapy means the therapist is his actual self during his encounter with his client. Without facade, he openly has the feelings and attitudes that are flowing in him at the moment. This involves self-awareness; that is, the therapist 's feelings are available to him to his awareness - and he is able to live

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