
Relationship Between Femail Juniors Involved in Sports and Grade Point Average

Good Essays

Statement of Tasks: The plan is to obtain data of female juniors involved in sports and the relevance to their grade point averages. The data will be collected through a survey. The survey will be distributed to fifty female juniors that attend Taft High School. The survey will ask the student to state the curriculum such as IB or other (Regular/Honors). Students will also have to state their grade point averages. The researcher has to assure that each student is either involved or has recently been involved in a sport. A statistical analysis will be applied to the data in order to uncover any relevance of the data. The analysis will require a chi-squared (x2) test.
Detailed Plan: I, the researcher, surveyed fifty female juniors …show more content…

I add up all the GPAs and then divide by the total number of GPAs.
5.1+ 4.6+ 4.7+ 4.7 + 4.7+ 4.8 + 4.3 + 4.2 + 4.6 + 4.3 + 4.3+ 4.6 + 4.8 + 4.5+ 3.8 + 3.6 + 3.8+ 3.5 + 3.3 + 3.3 = 85.5
= 4.28

This is the mean found for Others GPA.
4.1 + 3.6 + 3.4 + 3.4 + 3.65 + 3.48 + 3.2 + 3.8 + 3.7 + 3.8 + 3.1+ 3.9 + 3.2 + 3.1+ 3.2 + 3.0+ 3.0 + 2.9+ 2.9 + 2.5+ 3.0+ 2.7+ 3.0 + 2.8+ 2.7 + 2.6 + 2.0+ 2.0 + 1.7+ 2.0= 92.43
= 3.08

In order to find the median for IB and Others GPA, I must put the GPAs in numerical order. Since both totals are even numerals, I have to take the mean of the two middle numbers of the set of GPA. IB median: 4.3+4.5= 8.8 8.8/2= 4.4

Others median: 3.0+ 3.1=6.1 6.1/2 = 3.05

There several modes within each data set. I simply look for repeating digits. Since there is a handful, I will only choose of the many modes to be the main mode for the sets.

IB mode: 4.7 and 4.3

Others mode: 3.0

This is some of the input of GPAs in a graphic display calculator (GDC). I will use the GDC to show the central tendency. First, I input the GPA. After, the data was in I pressed on STAT.

Then, I went to CALC and pressed ENTER on the first option.

1-Var stats (IB)

1-Var Stats (Others)

x2 test for independence

≤ 5.0 ≤ 4.0 ≤ 3.0 Total
IB 14 6 0 20
Other 1 14 15 30
Total 15 20 15 50
Observed frequency (Fo)

1) First, I must set up

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