
Relationship Between The Catholic Church And Secular Society

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Premarital Sex
Good morning, today I am here to talk about one of the most disputed topics between the Catholic church and secular society. Pre-marital sex is currently legal in Australia over the age of 16 (Lucke, 2015). However, there is a range of contrasting views and perceptions of the subject from many different groups in society. Overall, premarital sex is gradually becoming more acceptable and it is currently regarded as the social norm in society. The Catholic Church is strongly against premarital sex as they believe sex is sacred and symbolic of marital love (Saunders, 2014). The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that anyone who participates in fornication shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (Paul II, 1992). This indicates that the church believes that anyone who does partake in sex before marriage is an outcast. Additionally, in the bible Jesus refers to premarital sex as an evil act that renders a man impure ( (The Holy Bible, 2001)- Matthew 15:19). The church follows these statements and teaches the value of chastity as they believe sex signifies the self-giving love two partners have promised to each other in their vows (Saunders, 2014). Furthermore, the Church …show more content…

In secular society today, the act of sexual love is trivialized and saving sexual interaction to marriage is seen as a selfish expression (Gallup, 2003). Increasing trends in births to unmarried mothers indicate the growing acceptableness of premarital sex. There was approximately a 35% increase of births to unmarried mothers from 1977 to 2007 (Norton, 2010). Those who think it is acceptable to have sex before marriage believe that people who have sex are happier and people should have the freedom to do as they desire (Aponte, 2012). Statistics show that higher divorce rates and unhappier marriages are found in relation to saving sex for marriage (Filipovic,

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