
Relationships In Romeo And Juliet

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The relationships in Romeo and Juliet constantly change throughout the play at first they are good but as the play goes on and stress in the characters build their relationships break down. One such relationship is that between Romeo and His parents who we were first introduced too at the beginning of the play after the fight scene after discussing about Romeo with Benvolio Lord Montague says “I neither know it nor can learn of him.” This obviously means that Lord Montague and Romeo are not very close as he does not know what troubles Romeo is going through with Rosaline and that even when he asks Romeo about it he will not tell him which shows that Lord Montague must not be very trustworthy or open but instead of more an authoritarian figure …show more content…

In the scene Paris is trying to persuade Capulet to let him marry his daughter but rather sympathetically Capulet says “and too soon marred are those so early made.” This shows that Capulet is compassionate towards his daughter on the issue of marriage perhaps because he doesn’t want her to end up like his wife because he has seen what getting married and giving birth at such an early age can do to a child. But also Lord Capulet is sympathetic about it because Juliet is their only child as the others …show more content…

One last way we know that there is a strong relationship between the Friar and Romeo is that they are constantly meeting each other. “Wast thou with Rosaline?” what the Friar says there means that Romeo must have discussed his girl issues with him before and that to do so there must have been a gradual amount of trust gained to him from the friar in order him to do so because even though the Friar’s position in the church is already one of trust teenagers still don’t talk to him about girl issues therefore showing that the relationship between him and Romeo is one of unique

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