
Relationships In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Good Essays

Romeo and Juliet is a sorrowful book, written by William Shakespeare, which shows some relationship build while, others fall. Romeo and Juliet’s relationship is dependant on the Nurses and Juliet's relationship, as we get an idea of what Romeo’s and Juliet’s relationship could possibly end. Juliet and the Nurse have been together since Juliet was a baby, and is like a mother figure towards Juliet. The Nurse has a big mouth meaning that she speaks the truth without thinking about what she is about to say, unlike Juliet who is quite timid, she also, like a typical mother, scolds Juliet for taking a Montague’s side. However, the Nurse thinks about Juliet, and allows her to meet with Romeo secretly. The Nurse has a big mouth, and so is quick to speak badly about Romeo, even though she is just a servant. Behind Juliet’s back, she talks about Romeo as a murderer and as a person who should not be welcomed into the community,’No faith, no honesty in men; all perjur’d’ (Act 3 Scene 2, pg. 113). However, with Juliet …show more content…

113). The Nurse as all mothers, is trying to protect Juliet from harm and evil, however Juliet doesn’t understand this and thinks that the Nurse is trying to separate Romeo and Juliet up. During this scene, it is seen that the Nurse’s and Juliet’s relationship diminish. This is because they do not agree with each other, and Juliet feels like she can’t trust the Nurse as she isn’t on Juliet’s side, not her Confidante anymore. Also, the Nurse feels like the Romeo she helped get married to Juliet has become a traitor, as he murdered one from the house of the Capulets, Tybalt, and so Juliet realises that the Nurse was like everybody else, and was blaming the Montague’s for all the wrong doing that has happened in the house of the

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